Instant Glow Pack

This pack will suite normal to dry skin type. If your skin is basically very oily i feel this pack will not suite you. This pack can be stored in refrigerator for about one week and used.


Ripe Lemon

Ripe Tomato

Olive oil


Take the juice of half a lemon.Cut one tomato and grind it finely adding the lemon juice.

Add 1 spoon of olive oil to the ground paste and mix well. This mix itself will be shiny to look at.

Apply this on face using a face pack brush in downward movement. Can apply more on cheeks and the t-zone( forehead and nose). Apply in the neck in upward direction.

Leave it for sometime. When the pack dries (you also will have a tightening feeling on face) sprinkle some water on face and neck. Then wash your wash using cool/plain water.

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About the author

Indian Chef

Have a strong passion in cooking and trying out new recipes.

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