Making Fluffy Pooris


  • Kneading and rolling is similar to that of chapatthis.
  • But you should make smaller balls to make pooris of smaller size.
  • And while rolling, don’t apply pressure in the downward direction i.e. don’t press the dough on the rolling board. You should apply energy only to roll the rod over the dough. This will aid in making fluffy pooris.

How do you fry it in oil?

    1. Heat oil in a kadai (click to view image). Take enough oil so that when you put poori it is immersed in oil.
    2. Check if oil has come to the correct temperature by dropping a small piece of dough into the oil.
    3. If oil is in good heat the dough will come up to the surface of the oil immediately.
    4. Now dip the flattened poori into the oil in such a way that it is fully immersed in oil.
    5. Using the holed spatula press on the surface of the poori. While pressing itself you will notice that the poori will start rising.
    6. Immediately turn it to the other side and press. Now the poori will be like a ball.
    7. Strain the oil and keep it on top of any tissue to absorb the oil.
    8. If holes are formed on the surface of the poori it will not rise properly. To avoid holes, while rolling, make sure that the poori doesn’t have any folds.
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      Indian Chef

      Have a strong passion in cooking and trying out new recipes.

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